Tuesday 10 September 2024

How Primate Ayodele Foretold Massive Flooding In Borno State

Sometimes, when true men of God speak, it is not because they just want to open their mouth or looking for attention, they warn people ahead of time in order to prepare for whatever they are warning them against.

Especially when confirmed prophets of God like Primate Ayodele speak, whoever was mentioned in his prophecies should know for sure that this particular man of God doesn’t speak without his words coming to pass. If others can be ignored, Primate Ayodele isn’t someone whose prophecy is to be ignored and this is not for his sake but for the recipient.

The people of Borno state who were recipients of Primate Ayodele’s prophecy have just been made to suffer the consequence of ignoring the words of the prophet. To be honest, the federal and state government should be blamed for the unfortunate happening in Borno state.

Several residents have been rendered homeless due to the massive flooding that has swept through the state as a result of a broken dam.

Many residents  fled their homes following the devastating flood in Maiduguri, the capital of Borno state.

The Alau Dam, which has been at full capacity for the past week, reportedly collapsed in the early hours of Tuesday.

The areas most affected include Fori, Galtimari, Gwange, and Bulabulin.

Wild animals, including snakes, crocodiles and ostriches, were flooded out of their enclosures at the state zoo and into the streets. 

Meanwhile, Primate Ayodele in a video shared on his social media page earlier this year mentioned that flood is coming to Nigeria and it will affect several states across the nation. He warned of the disasters but emphasized on the flood which according to him, will be disastrous.

These were his word

’Lets be careful of bomb scare in Abuja, fire outbreak, train running out of its rail, sea accident and flooding. Flooding is coming and it will affect a lot of states ... .let's watch very carefully.’’.


In his annual prophecy book titled Warnings To The Nations, Primate Ayodele specifically stated that there will be serious flooding in Borno state.

‘’Borno state must be careful of flood and erosion’’ ( Page 30)

Unfortunately, the incident of flooding has fulfilled the prophecy of Primate Ayodele.

It is also important to note that the last time the dam had such a problem was in 1994, resulting in unprecedented flooding in Maiduguri when almost half of the town was flooded.



Security alert: Primate Ayodele warns on new level of insurgency in Nigeria, urges FG to boost military morale

Servant of the Most High God, Founder and Leader of INRI Spiritual Evangelical Church, Primate Elijah Ayodele, has once again alerted the nation on a new level of insurgency likey to besiege the country if nothing urgent is done.

Servant of the Most High God, who has his base in Lagos made the disclosures at the headquarters of his church on Tuesday, September 10, 2024.

He said if allow to gain ground, the new insurgency will collaborate with Boko Haram, saying that aside causing damage in the country, they will oppress the military.

He called on the government to take proactive steps by taking the welfare of the soldiers seriously even as he urged them to kit the soldiers for them to fight and defeat the insurgents.

The oracle of God further averred that the military authorities do not need to relocate to the North before insurgency can be defeated, adding that what is needed to be done is to fight the corruption in the military and boost the morale of the soldiers.

He called on the government to take the welfare of the soldiers serious even as he urged them to equip the soldiers for them to fight and defeat the insurgence.

He said that the government must do something more reasonable than what it is doing currently so that the lives of the soldiers are not exposed to danger.

He revealed "Let's watch all our avenues because of a new insurgence that is coming up that will work hand in hand with Boko Haram, and at the end of it all they will be oppressing our military. 

"Let them kit our military for them to fight insurgence, so that Abuja can have peace, Abuja will not have peace.

"kidnappers may go extraordinary, it is not when the Chief of Air Staff or Chief of Army Staff stays in the North before we can end insurgence, it is you fighting the corruption in the military and in the security, then kit the soldiers, give them good welfare, then, they will be able to fight it.

"And let them do all the things that are necessary, if they don't do things that are necessary, then they will be wasting our soldiers.

"Don't waste soldiers, give them what they need to fight insurgence, so that Nigeria can be saved, otherwise this insurgence that is coming it can mess up Nigeria, it will mess up our military.

"I don't want them to start penetrating sensitive areas, Government must work on this, Government must do something reasonable,  Government must do something that is better than something that will be harming our military," Primate Ayodele revealed.

Friday 6 September 2024

How Primate Ayodele's prophecy of China taking over Africa was fulfilled

Sometimes in 2023, Servant of the Most High God, Founder and Leader of INRI Spiritual Evangelical Church, Primate Elijah Ayodele made series of prophetic utterances which is now trending in a video.

According to the Oracle of God whose revelations have become the saving grace for those who pay attention to his words, disclosed that China will take over Africa.

He alerted that world that the way things are going, African leaders will submit their sovereignty to China.

Of course as usual the Thomases doubted the oracle of God and carried on as if nothing was said, but today that prophecy has come to pass. 

Just recently about 50 African presidents and head of governments were in China doing meeting with  of the People's Republic of China to know how to help them. It is a fulfillment of the prophecy.

This is aside the controversies surrounding the alleged seizure of three presidential jets by a Chinese company over some contractual agreement cancelations.

Primate Ayodele also disclosed in one of his prophecies that there would be cholera disease, maybe people did not take it serious, but today there is cholera globally.


Wednesday 4 September 2024

NIDO UKS’ crisis: Implications of gagging dissent voices

Recent happenings in the Nigerians in Diaspora Organization (NIDO) UK-South and by extension their umbrella body, the Nigerian in Diaspora Organization Europe, is an indication that no association group or individual can make any meaningful progress in an atmosphere of undemocratic engagements and suppression of opposing voices.

Constructive criticisms, openness, accountability and transparency are the hallmark of democracy and a tolerant leadership, wherein these virtues are absent, the outcome is usually crisis as being witnessed in NIDO UKS.  

The crisis rocking the once respected organizations, NIDO was not unconnected with the position of its leadership to ignore the voice of reason and perspectives that were not directly in tandem with their own views. Dissension, constructive engagements and need for democracy within the organization has become an anathema. However some of the members of the organization were of the opinion that the right thing should be done no matter whose ox is gored. At this point everything became deadlocked and the centre could no longer hold.

It was reliably gathered that NIDO UKS having viewed the opposition voices within it as not dancing to their tune, decided to suspend the leading opposition voice, Peters Osawaru Omoragbon, a renowned health advocate and climate change mitigation specialist.

Announcing his suspension in a letter dated 5th August, 2024, NIDO stated that he, Omoragbon’s membership has been suspended effective immediately. “As such, your suspension will prevent you from attending any NIDO activities, events, or meetings until further notice. This decision was not taken lightly, as we value every member's contributions. However, it is vital for the stability and integrity of our organisation that we address these concerns decisively.”

With the unfolding scenario, Peters Omoragbon on his part, has gone to court to be granted injunction requesting for his suspension to be quashed and his membership reinstated back into NIDO UKS and NIDOE.

Omoragbon, a critical stakeholder in the organization, was suspended from the Diaspora organisation for raising his voice over an inconceivably anti-democratic move during their election whereby the executive of the organizations were inclined in favour of a particular candidate, which he, Omoragbon, prominently known for his accountability, transparency and democratic posture, was averse to, and he opposed their move to install their own candidate. He said that his going to court was for the organizations to reverse his suspension and render apologies over their breaching the groups' constitutions.

Our correspondent who is monitoring the crisis said that Omoragbon, in his application of Injunction to the County Court at Hertford through his Solicitors, Broad   Street Solicitors, London, UK, has disclosed that his suspension as member of the two bodies is null and void and therefore requested the court to rule in his favour by not only declaring the suspension unlawful but to also make it clear to the two organisations that they erred in law, hence the need to apologize to him.

He claimed that the defendants breached their constitutions entered by the respective parties on 11 February, 2023, by suspending him from the organization without any due cause or valid reason in line with the articles enshrined in the constitution. "I was suspended for making protected disclosure of wrongdoings or malpractice within the organization, which I thought to be protected under the statutory provisions relating to whistleblowing. Therefore my suspension is illegal by virtue of the constitution and employment Rights Acts 1996, and the defendants have failed to adhere to the principal of natural justice."

Omoragbon also requested the court to set aside the conclusions and resolutions of the AGM of NIDO UKS of 17th August, 2024, he also sought for a formal apology, under section 2 of the compensation Act, 2006, aside also requesting for an order asking for his reinstatement back into NIDO UKS, NIDOE.

Our source also disclosed that Pastor Omoragbon has made it clear that he is not seeking any monetary claim or relief against the defendants, adding that the claim is simply to make a declaration that the defendants have breached the constitution and to rescind the suspension, and formally apologize for their behavior.

He has already drawn the attention of the Chairman and members of the Central Executive Committee (NIDOE) and members of the Executive Committee, NIDO UKS to his court action. When cornered by our source, Omoragbon stated "You shall be properly served by the court bailiff but be put on notice that I have instituted a legal case against both organizations for my unlawful suspension and expulsion from the Organizations by the unconstitutional act of the NIDO UKS Executive,"Omoragbon stated.



Monday 2 September 2024

SCOAN's women of grace hold inaugural convention

The Synagogue Church Of All Nations SCOAN at the weekend held its WOMEN OF GRACE (WOG) inaugural convention at its Egbe-Ikotun international headquarters. 

With pomp and pageantry the Women of Grace filled the church to the brim in from within and outside the country to celebrate the virtues of womanhood in Christ Jesus.

A colourful and electrifying event ladened with plethora of local dances, career talks, drama sketches, Bible quiz, motivational talks on 'building a godly home inter alia, all encapsulated and thematised in the WOG's choristers special song titled "No Jesus no life".

Prominent speakers drawn from successful women Christian  entrepreneurs both in their home fronts and careers were Mrs Karen Edwards,  Evelyn Adedipe, Mary Paul, Joy Oputeh, Oyeronke Adebomi among others who all held the audience in sober enthusiasm and inspired hope.

SCOAN'S leader, Pastor Evelyn Joshua, bubbling with spiritual enthusiasm and holy excitements  described the Women of Grace  as a dream she really longed for that had finally come to fruition.

Emphasizing the essence of true womanhood in Creation as God's will for mankind that is fast becoming a caricature today in several quarters she said that "the Foundation of SCOAN'S Women of Grace is in God's directive to raise women of honor, integrity and godly character of true womanhood ". She also thanked God for her late husband, the God''s General, Prophet TBJOSHUA for the Foundation of Jesus Christ which he had faithfully, successfully and gracefully built "upon which we are irrevocably and dutifully standing in Grace today.

With copious biblical references in her admonitions especially Proverbs 31 from verse 25, the woman of God stated that grace, strength dignity and honor should remain their armours. She also expressed gratitude to the womenfolk for their commitment to the church and making the words of God the standard for their lives.

A coordinator for the group Mrs Morenike Jegede described the group as quintessential in God's will for the woman, "meeting every Friday for Bible studies, prayers either in the church or on Mountain where any challenges faced by members are addressed for their utmost Joy and comfort  including in the various skills acquisition'.

Divided into three bands of Deborah, Esther and Queen of Sheba with 15 sub coordinators, the SCOAN'S Women of Grace group has evolved into a well structured organic institution for the passion for the recreation, rejuvenation and invigoration of ideals women of God.

The high points of the event were the presentation of an award of "Woman of Virtues and Resilience" to SCOAN 'S Leader, Pastor Evelyn Joshua and the Empowerment of nine less Privileged women.

Mrs Olaitan Famakinwa a participant in the program described it as "fantastic". "It has further inspired hope in women and opened our eyes to a greater and joyful future" she further stated.

Without mincing words, WOG inaugural convention has become a balancing force for the enhancement of  sound and healthy total wellbeing both spiritually and physically for the  womenfolk and it is obvious that true womanhood is a critical factor to the beauty of the Creation.