Monday 9 January 2023

Mgbidi 2023 Lagos Experience: A pilgrimage where God performs signs and wonders

Cyriacus Nnaji:

The Lord’s Chosen Charismatic Revival Ministries’ annual international crusade tagged Mgbidi Lagos Experience has come and gone. The 2023 edition which commenced Thursday, January 5, ended on Sunday, January 8, 2023; in the end, it was testimonies of God’s amazing miracles, deliverances, healings and Holy Ghost baptism.

It is no longer news that the Lord’s Chosen Church has become a brand. With over 4,000 branches across Nigeria, and present in all world’s continents, being in 110 countries of the world, the Lord’s Chosen is marching steadily towards the realization of her three fold vision of the church which include, Grassroots revival all over the world, Revival of the Apostolic Christian experiences among the body of Christ all over the world, and Revival of the heaven’s consciousness in the hearts of believers all over the world; and then the 10 billion soul mandate.

Born 20 years ago, precisely on the 24th December, 2002, the church has become the last hope of the common man, the rich and the famous all over the world. The Chosen is now head and shoulders above her contemporaries for apart from spiritual growth of the church, there is also stupendous infrastructural transformation putting the church in a class of its own, hospitals, schools, 24 hour power supply, name it, and of course the man of God, the servant of the only true God, Pastor Lazarus Muoka, has kept the church going, he has shown vision, mission and value in all his dealings. A man with no controversy, so humble and dedicated to his calling. No wonder the church within 20 years is now a reference point in Christendom, where there is manifestations of God’s power as of old.

The General Overseer, Pastor Muoka, while declaring open this year’s programme prophesied that 2023 shall be greater in glory than any other years. Of course the four-day programme was designed to spiritually equip the children of God who take part in the programme either by being there physically or listening or watching via whatever electronic means available to the person. Therefore what he said at the crusade carried power.

Pastor Muoka made the declaration on Thursday, January 5, 2023, at the Revival Ground of the International Headquarters of the church on the first of the event which had the theme ‘What God has Determined Shall Be Done’.

Pastor Muoka assured the congregants that God will make them succeed, educationally, materially, financially and in whatever they lay their hands on, saying “This year will be far greater in glory than any other year you have come across; I have spoken, the rest is left to the angels to carry out.

“The lord confirms the words of his messengers, when I say something it must come to pass, anything I say here, there is power in it, that word that made 18 years blindness to go, that word that made 13 years spirit of madness to disappear, that same word is capable to heal and deliver you from your troubles. By this time next year you shall line up here for testimonies,” Pastor Muoka said.

Delivering his message based on the theme of the programme, the pastor said what God has determined for each person that attended the programme shall be done in their lives. “What God has determined for you these four days shall be done; and what God says nobody can oppose it.” He added that God is at the Crusade to honour their declarations because what is bound on earth is bound in heaven and what is loose on earth is loosen in heaven. He said heaven and earth shall pass away but not an iota of God’s word will go unfulfilled, God’s word is irrevocable,” Muoka said.

He assured the congregants that whatever he will say at the crusade will certainly come to pass and urged them to pay special attention to God’s words as they are being delivered on the pulpit during the four days crusade, adding that what they hear during the crusade can transform their lives for a long time to come. “Even if I make a mistake and pronounce you a millionaire, it will come to pass, angels will go and bring it to pass. You will not struggle. As long as you are here till Sunday, there shall be dominion, anywhere they still your wealth and hide it, angels of God shall go and bring them back, there will be explosion by grace today and upwards. This year is a year of dominion, grace and miracle,” Muoka added.

He encouraged his listeners to crave for the knowledge of God, adding that people perish for lack of the knowledge of God, “But when you have the in-depth knowledge of God you will succeed, you will be like God, God created man in his own image and likeness, so those who have knowledge of God shall do exploits.” He stated that the word of God is quick and powerful even more than two edged sword, “if you are equipped with it, when you throw it, enemy will not comprehend it.”

While recounting all the miracles being testified in the church, Pastor Muoka declared that there is no place like the Chosen, “Our God is too good, He is a forgiving God. This is the only God that when you said I am a Chosen He will appear. This church is a specialist in breaking yokes, all your sorrows of the past years shall turn to joy,” Muoka said.

By Day Two of the crusade it became clear that what is happening at the Lord’s Chosen Charismatic Revival Ministry has never happened before in the annals of any church in modern times. The chosen church has become a reverence point globally, both in holiness and righteousness.

But the latest happening in the fastest growing church in modern church history is epochal in the sense that it has shut the mouth of enemies permanently as its movement towards the realization of the 10billion soul mandate of the church is becoming a reality, as events at the Mgbidi 2023 Lagos Experience indicates. On the second day of the crusade, the revival ground was not just filled to capacity, but the surroundings were filled with the whole Nigerians who thronged the ground for miracles, healing and deliverance. Of course there was no one who has attended the Lord’s chosen crusade without testimonies in their mouth. The pastor of the church and General Overseer, Pastor Lazarus Muoka has even said it many times that once he makes a proclamation, even if you don’t like the proclamation, it will still come to pass. His spiritual influence cover everybody that attends his programmes.

The uniqueness of this year’s four-day international crusade, Mgbidi 2023 Lagos Experience lies mostly in the multitude of people that are attending the event, the organization, the security arrangement, the courteousness of the ushers, the miracles, among others. Millions of people, many coming to find healing to their intractable sicknesses and diseases, many are there for improvement in their businesses, there are indeed those who came to seek the face of the lord for victory in their political aspirations.  Recall also that 2023 is an election year in Nigeria, and it is therefore not surprising, politicians are leaving no stone unturned as they also besiege the Chosen Church to seek one form of endorsement or the other.

Friday, January, 2023 was the 2nd day of the progamme, but a lot has already happened. Pastor Lawson Eto was in Lords Chosen, he left the church but he is now back, he confessed that he was almost swallowed up in the world and he now asked for forgiveness. Pastor Gabriel Ononaku also confessed leaving the chosen, but he is now back. He said Chosen is his home. Noah Ogah from Benue State, lives in Lagos, he lost his job in 2021 and cried to God, and God provided him multiple jobs to choose from, and he came to thank God. Sister Amaka testified how God saved him from spirit of death resulting from kidney disorder, constant urinating between 10 to 11 times before daybreak, her daughter was also diagnosed of spinal cord abnormality, but all these were rolled away by God of the chosen.

A lady from Benin Republic who spoke in French which was later translated in English spoke of how fibroid fell from her private part and cancer of the breast healed at Mgbidi Crusade. Missing child was found by the power of the God of Chosen. Brother Sampson Ihesie, from South Africa Branch, God of the Chosen made him to drop drug business and showed him a better business, today he has been blessed beyond his imagination. He said the day he gave his life to the God of the chosen that was the day he was delivered from death.

That was the introduction per se, then when the man of God, Pastor Lazarus Muoka mounted the podium wonders began to happen. As usual he commanded those that were on wheelchairs to drop their walking aids and walk; they obeyed and with faith they walked, the same with the deaf and dumb, among other diseases and intractable sicknesses.

Several song ministrations by various departments were rendered, the Campus Choir, the National Choir of the Lord’s Chosen, the PRO department also rendered melodious songs, not forgetting the Duet sisters who have travelled all around the world with their soul inspiring songs; they are present at the crusade. Those that were struck down by stroke and paralysis regained their movements; 13 years deaf and dumb rolled away, 20 years madness sacked, 3years broken born as a result of ghastly accident mended; loss of memory for 22 years sacked. Most amazing was the miracle of a 60 years old deaf and dumb man and his wife, a 35 years old deaf and dumb as well, they received healing and talked for the first time in their lives. Now the most amazing thing is that, their only child is not affected by any hearing or speaking impairment.

Speaking on the theme ‘What God Has Determined Shall Be Done’, the man of God said the year has just begun and it is full of uncertainty, nobody can say what will happen in the next minute, therefore the programme has become necessary. He said “So as we gather at His feet, He can tell us what the year has in stock for us. He knows the end from the beginning, he is the only one who can determine what will happen, whatever that he proposes will surely come to pass. Nobody can oppose God’s word.”

Pastor Muoka congratulated the congregants for making it to the crusade the second day to gather at the feat of Him that can do all things. “For your willingness to be guided by Him, He will help you, one thing is very certain, in these few days, something good and miraculous, explosion by grace shall happen to you.”

He assured them that his words shall come to pass, “I am an ambassador of heaven; whatever I say here shall happen. He has done it before, he will do it again and again.”

The third day was made more colourful with the presence of Bayelsa State Governor, Senator Douye Diri who came to thank God for what He did for his state in 2022 and what He is going to do for them in 2023.


Diri said “I have come to the church to worship God and appreciate Him for all He has done for the state in 2022 and all He will do in 2023.” 


He acknowledged the spiritual role played by Pastor Lazarus Muoka during the flood that ravaged Bayelsa last year which killed many, rendered many homeless and destroyed properties worth billions. He said when it became too much, he called on the Pastor Muoka. The pastor prayed, and the flood receded.

Then came the fourth and grand finale of the crusade. The Chosen Foreign Missions led by Pastor Chris Onyekanma, Chairman and his Deputy, Pastor Jude Ahamefuna, were conspicuously represent, they stated that the chosen church is in 110 countries.

Using the encounter in Genesis 18: 9 and Genesis 21:1 wherein Sarah was promised a child, Pastor Muoka assured the congregants that whatever God determined in their lives shall be done. Sarah was promised a child at her old age, but at the appointed time God fulfilled his promise, and that would be the portion of his listeners.

He said the fourth day of the crusade is a day of perfection, he said evidence abound of Gods marvelous deeds, and nobody should be left out. He also assured them that all their expectations would be met, “God made the dead to rise to life, kidney, liver, heart problems were rolled away; the same God that made the miracles possible is forever capable of doing it for everyone.”

He urged his listeners to use their positions to work for God, most importantly in the realization of the three fold vision of the church and the 10 billion soul mandate. “We are the instrument to fulfil his will, we are his battle axe; He has determined dominion, restoration, great explosion by grace, and miracle all the way.”

Throughout the four-day programme, Deafness, dumbness were eliminated, cases of insanity, loss of memory, heart complications, kidney, liver fibroid, cancer, abnormal growth, hunchback, elephantiasis , loss of testes, epilepsy, there were even testimony of a girl that was confirmed dead by three hospitals but was raised through the prayers of the Chosen ones.

Instant miracles, 10 years deaf and dumb healed, two sisters born deaf and dumb, one 16 and the other 20 heard for the first time. 16 years of excruciating back pain destroyed. 50 years deaf and dumb healed, 35 years total blindness gone,15 years blindness was rolled away, 21 years inability to walk was also rolled away, and18years partial blindness/walking and bending were rolled away.

He commanded spirit of madness, deaf and dumb, those not walking, damaged organs, God healed them all and they testified. Those suffering from stroke and paralysis were commanded to rise up and walk, and with faith, many rose up and walked. Same with deaf and dumb, damaged and broken bones we're all restored. Leg poison, kidney and cancer we're commanded to vanish, severe pains cancelled. Elephantiasis, crippled, shifted hips, spinal cord injuries gone. Brand new kidneys, brand new hearts were restored.


Muoka said no amount of money can buy the miracles that took place in the church and urged members to continue to appreciate God in songs and praises.



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