Monday 1 July 2024

WTN @ 30: Primate Ayodele’s difficult journey of devotion, commitment, consecration

By Osho Oluwatosin, Lagos:

In a few days from now, Primate Elijah Ayodele, the Leader of INRI Evangelical Spiritual Church, will be launching the 30th edition of his annual prophecy book titled Warnings To The Nations and personally, it’s been moments of ecstasy and reflection for some days now on account of how it’s been possible for this enigmatic prophet to have embarked on this difficult journey in 1994, before many were born, and till now, has remained in it without missing a year.

I can recollect that the first edition of ‘Warnings To The Nations’ was a small pamphlet that didn’t exceed 100 pages or less but over the years, Primate Ayodele improved greatly on this publication and increased the pages of this prophetic book to over 400 and more.

Many may not understand the meaning of documenting ‘Warnings To The Nations’ across the world for thirty years because to some, it’s like a literature book anyone can do as long as they have the resources and content to publish but having this thought about ‘Warnings To The Nations’ would be a big mistake. A literature book can be done by drawing inspiration from history, thought processes, current happenings, life stories, politics, governance, etc but WTN is not anywhere close to a literature or story book, it’s basically a book that clearly foretells the future of nations, presidents, individuals, sectors, organizations, states, local governments, policies, politicians, and the texts are never drawn from past events, current events, imaginations, predictions because it’s strictly a clear representation of what is to come, inspired not by flesh and blood but the spirit.

Obviously, a book that contains prophecies about 196 countries in the world including their presidents, all 36 governors in Nigeria, 774 local governments in Nigeria, hundreds of corporations, notable personalities around the world, etc CANNOT be inspired by mere flesh or the physical because it doesn’t even sound ordinary. Beyond releasing these prophecies, they all come to pass exactly how they were presented in the publication, underscoring the spiritual nature of ‘Warnings To The Nations’. In 2020, Primate Ayodele released to the public a compendium of 5,000 fulfilled prophecies that were derived from WTN, many of the notable happenings around the world are things that were already written in the past editions of WTN, and how can we explain this in physical terms? It’s vividly too mysterious for the human mind to comprehend.

The process of producing just one edition of a publication like ‘Warnings To The Nations’ is rigorous, difficult, and not so pleasant as it requires continuous and serious spiritual exercises. For anyone to receive from the spirit of God, you definitely need to be spiritually sharpened and be in that sensitive position to know when God is speaking. For instance, Moses spent 40 days and night on Mount Sinai just to receive the 10 commandments (Exodus 19), there are several references in the bible about Prophets that spent days on the mountain, consecrating themselves to be able to receive from God, how much more a prophetic publication that is produced annually.

Based on information that I am privy to, Primate Ayodele dedicates nothing less than four months to prepare for Warnings To The Nations every year. There are other things Primate Ayodele prepares for spiritually but for WTN, he begins fasting from the month of March to June and this means throughout the period of fasting, He would not see anyone, will not attend any outing no matter how important, he won’t use be able to cut his hair, He won’t be able to eat nutritious food; In other words, he denies himself of pleasures, nutrition, relationship with friends and family, meetings, etc. in order to accurately receive from the throne of God. Apparently, this means that for thirty years, Primate Ayodele has been denying himself of these pleasures every year for Warnings To The Nations.

Meanwhile, Warnings To The Nations is just one aspect of Primate Ayodele’s prophetic ministry, there are other things he does within the ministry which includes New year prophecies every December which also requires spiritual preparation, his church’s annual fasting and prayer convention which always begin from December to February annually, observing Lent period which is basically about fasting every year from March to April, and many more. By calculation, Primate Ayodele actually spends major parts of the year fasting and staying with God on the mountain for the benefit of mankind and this explains why his prophecies exploit beyond the shores of Nigeria.

On a lighter mode, this ‘spiritual’ lifestyle has greatly influenced the physical lifestyle of Primate Ayodele, maybe that’s why he never attends events, rarely travels or leaves the confinement of his church’s office, and prefers to receive visitors than visiting people apart of his church members occasionally because most of the time, He is on a spiritual journey.

Thirty years of ‘Warnings To The Nations’ has been more of a spiritual journey for Primate Ayodele and indeed, it has been remarkable due to the unbelievable but confirmed fulfilled prophecies that have emanated from WTN since 1994.

Of course, it’s impossible for this publication to have continued for three decades without its own numerous challenges but the resilience, dedication and commitment behind ‘Warnings To The Nations’ could have only kept it going. In thirty years, we have seen other men of God produce a similar prophecy book but a larger percentage of them have either stopped or not been consistent with it any longer because of the spiritual and physical resources that are involved.

Indeed, Primate Ayodele deserves some accolades for ensuring that every year, Warnings To The Nations is available to several individuals and corporations that have made the prophecy booklet their direction in whatever they want to do.

I also want to seize this opportunity to congratulate Primate Ayodele on this amazing and incredible feat, it feels great knowing God is using him powerfully and that he has remained in Christ despite the challenges he may have faced. I wish him many more exploits to come by God’s grace.                                                         


Why Governor Ademola Adeleke should listen to Primate Elijah Ayodele before it's too late

By Lukmon Akintola

One thing that is consistent with the prophetic ministry of Primate Babatunde Elijah Ayodele is that his prophecies often come to pass.

And when his prophecies fail to come to pass, the man of God is happy, especially when it has to do with those that are tagged 'Bad Prophecies '. This is because those who would have suffered the effect  of the negative prophecies would no longer have to worry about such a plight.

Over the years, politicians, public servants and even high-placed personalities have all confirmed the accuracy of the man of God's prophecy. Indeed, one of the biggest pains of the recently deceased President of Iran, Ebrahim Raisil might be that he never had an encounter with Primate Ayodele or saw a video published on 5th of November 2023, where Primate Ayodele stated that the world would lose a prominent president in 2024. Had Raisil seen the video, maybe he would have been alive today.

Although the message was there for all, Raisil never saw it. Whatever the reason might be, he is now dead, and nothing can be done about it.

The Iranian President, 63, the country’s Foreign Minister, Hossein Amirabdollahian, the governor of Iran’s East Azerbaijan province, and other officials including bodyguards, were found dead at the site of a helicopter crash after hours of searching through a foggy, mountainous region of the country’s northwest, state-run IRNA news agency reported.

However, Raisil is not in isolation regarding those who have not listened to Primate Ayodele's prophecies and have had to regret it.

During an interview session captured on video in 2023, Primate Ayodele was heard saying Godwin Emefiele the then Governor of Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) would be faced with so many troubles as he foresaw his arrest. He also made it known that Emefiele would be embarrassed unless he seeks the face of God.

Just like the prophecy said, Emefiele is currently facing multiple suits in court with his bail money estimated at several millions of Naira.

Only days back, he forfeited properties worth 12.18 billion to the federal government. The properties included one valued at N11,140,000,000.00. $1.4m alleged to be proceed of bribe was also forfeited. Other forfeitures include a $4.7m mansion and another estimated at N800m.

Also, Primate Ayodele called for prayers against ailment among sitting governors in the country. He warned that he foresaw a sitting governor falling ill while in office.

The call was made in his annual book of prophecy titled ‘Warnings To The Nations’ released in July 2022.

Like he prophesied, the governor of Ondo State, late Rotimi Akeredolu was subsequently announced to be battling health challenges that eventually cost him his life.

On 27 December 2023, Akeredolu died at the age of 67. He died at a German hospital where he was receiving treatment for leukaemia and prostate cancer.

It is the fulfilment of these prophesies and many more that has seen many urging Governor Ademola Adeleke of Osun State to listen to the warnings of the prophet before his prophecy comes to pass.

In the 2023/2024 edition of Warnings To The Nations, Primate Ayodele while prophesying and referring to Osun State said, "The governor will build the state to a level, but must be careful against serious crisis."

The man of God also noted that the state needed a lot of prayers to survive against attacks.

"The state must be vigilant in terms of security and people who are out to cause ethnic crisis. Despite the governor's efforts, some people want to bring him down. The governor must be careful of political differences with party chieftains. The state will perform well, but the governor must be careful because they will turn against all of his efforts.

"Let's rebuke crisis among the transport unions. The governor must watch against unexpected shootings and herdsmen attack."

Primate Ayodele also mentioned areas such as Olaoluwa, Ila, Ejigbo, Ede North, Boripe, Boluwaduro, and Aiyedire as places where the governor should watch to ensure that they don't become a breeding ground for miscreants, adding that crisis might erupt from local governments in the state including Boripe, Egbedore, Ejigbo, Ife East, Ife North, Ife West, Aiyedire, Atakunmosa East, Atakunmosa West among others.

Since Primate Ayodele's prophecy, there have been one crisis or the other in Osun State including a land-related communal face-off between indigene of Ifon-Osun and Ilobu communities that led to the burning of several houses and the killing of a commercial motorcyclist.

However, amidst this budding issues and the recent celebration of the governor as Vanguard Governor of the Year, is the warning from Primate Ayodele, even as observers continue to pray that nothing untoward happen during Adeleke's watch in Osun State.

Lukmon Akintola, is an award-winning journalist, pubic speaker and author.