Saturday 29 June 2024

Lagos State University team attends Alliance's for Africa's Workshop on Sexual Harassment, Gender Policy

The Lagos State University team, comprising members of the Students' Union Government (SUG) and Campus Journalists, participated in a Two-day workshop organised by Alliance for Africa. The workshop aimed at developing a strategic plan on sexual harassment and gender policy in Nigerian institutions.

The event, held at Bolton White Hotels and Apartment, Abuja, on  Friday, 28th July 2024, brought together twelve Nigerian universities' SUG representatives and their campus journalists.

The Executive Director of Alliances for Africa, Iheoma Obibi, welcomed the participants during her opening address. She commended them for their presence and encouraged them to share their insights and experiences regarding the prevalence and nature of sexual harassment within their institutions. 

Obibi emphasized the need for systemic change, as sexual harassment has become a normalised phenomenon affecting all genders.

Project Director of Alliances for Africa, Blessing Duru, presented a comprehensive overview of the project during her session. She outlined the goals and objectives, provided background information on the current situation of sexual harassment in Nigerian tertiary institutions, and shared key statistics and findings from recent studies. Duru also discussed the strategies employed by Alliances for Africa, including their engagement with these bodies; NUC, ASUU, and other stakeholders who provided valuable insights into tackling sexual harassment.

The participants engaged in group planning and conversations, where each group presented their responsibilities and expectations as Students' union leaders. The workshop also facilitated an open forum for SUG and Campus Journalists to share their experiences, concerns, and their desired changes as student leaders in addressing sexual harassment. They also explored opportunities for identifying and harnessing resources in their roles.

The Communication Policy and Advocacy Officer of Alliance for Africa, Rejoice Wobilor-Agua, introduced the participants, set expectations, and established ground rules. The workshop is scheduled to come to an end on Saturday, 29th June 2024. 

This workshop serves as a significant step forward to addressing sexual harassment in Nigerian tertiary institutions, as Students' leaders and campus journalists collaborate to develop strategies and policies that promote a safer and more inclusive environment for all.



Friday 28 June 2024

Umenzekwe congratulates Fashola @ 61, describes him as an enigma & political thinker

Success Damian:

Honourable (Chief) Modestus Umenzekwe (Onwa Achina) a Chieftain of the All Progressives Congress (APC) has congratulated the Immediate Past Honourable Minister of Works and Housing and Former Governor of Lagos State, His Excellency, Dr Babatunde Rakji Fashola (SAN, CON) as he celebrates his 61st Birthday.

In his congratulatory message to the media, Umenzekwe also described Fashola as enigma, a silent giant achiever, very unassuming, very decisive, very methodical, very careful and very frugal in financial management. He also called him a political thinker and Philosopher who deserves all the accolades.

He said “You see the man Fashola is an enigma, I don’t know where to start and where to end. This is a very silent giant achiever, very unassuming, very decisive, very methodical, very careful and very frugal in financial management. The man Fashola is someone whose position doesn’t blow his head; a man who is being celebrated in all the six geopolitical zones of this country for his good work. Fashola is a very great political thinker, speaker and philosopher; in fact it is a litany of accolades.”

Umenzekwe added that it does not mean that Fashola does not make mistake, but that he is always deliberate and sincere in all his dealings and therefore must be celebrated by Nigerians at all times. “It doesn’t mean that he doesn’t make mistakes, he is a human being, but Nigerians must cherish this man at all times. God bless him.”

Umenzekwe therefore wished him a very super happy birthday celebrated in good health. “As he celebrates his birthday today, I wish him happy celebration; I wish him many more years on earth in good health, mind and body, to celebrate with his family, to celebrate with his fans.”

He urged the celebrant to do more as Nigerians are looking up to him. “And then I want him to do more for nation building, and you know Nigerians are looking up to him for something better than what he has done before. Nigerians are proud of him, and with him, there is no shaken.”




Thursday 27 June 2024

There mustn’t be latitude for people to violate the law and get away with it---Prof Fagbohun

Professor Olanrewaju Adigun Fagbohun, the Immediate Past Vice-Chancellor, Lagos State University and National Productivity Order of Merit Award winner, has stated that there mustn’t be latitude for people, particularly the rich and influential elites, to violate the law and get away with it, adding that consistent enforcement of laws and imposition of sanctions on violators are key to achieving social change.

He said “There must be no latitude for people, particularly the rich and influential elites, to violate the law and get away with it. Consistent enforcement of laws and imposition of sanctions on violators are key to achieving social change. What sets our system apart, particularly in addressing wrong-doing, and what will continue to raise moral and ethical questions, is the discriminatory approach to violations, “sanctions for the poor and knighthoods for the rich.”  

Professor Fagbohun made the statement in his presentation as the Guest Speaker on Thursday, June 27, 2024, at the Alao Aka-Bashorun Lecture which was part of the Nigerian Bar Association, Ikeja Branch, 2024 Law Week.

The theme of the lecture “Public Governance in Troubled Times: Safeguarding the Rule of Law in Nigeria,” was a clarion call for the legal authorities to do something urgently to correct the decaying legal system in Nigeria.

He said the judiciary must live up to the public expectation. “The clarion call here is that the judiciary must live up to its potential to sanction actions driven by narrow political and economic self-interest, thereby ensuring the realization of the promise of equal justice under the law. While it is common for members of the political class to flip-flop either along party lines or to sustain dominance, privileges, and advantages, it is for the court to remain steadfast in checking system abusers. Our courts cannot continue to be held back from effective service delivery by poor pay, facilities, and infrastructure. This is why current efforts to improve judicial remuneration through the Bill for an Act to Prescribe the Salaries, Allowances and Fringe Benefits of Judicial Office Holders in Nigeria and other Related Matters are commendable. This must be accompanied by effective strategies to hold judicial officers accountable. Only then will the rule of law become meaningful.”

To do justice to the lecture, Fagbohun titled his own paper, ‘Public Governance, Nigeria’s Collective Moral Disengagement and the Rule of Law insisting that though rule of law is important but there is also need for high moral standard for those who oversee the law.

The legal icon and renowned educationist said there is need to bring order to the disorderly legal system, and such action must be deliberate saying “Societal moral disengagement and collective unethical behavior are unlikely to self-correct without deliberate efforts to address underlying causes and promote accountability.”

The erudite Professor said the reason why Nigerian laws have failed to maintain the sanity of the past, correct the disorder of recent decades and generally serve as an effective instruction of social change is because the community of enforcers (by this I mean the executive, legislature and the judiciary) of rules, regulations and standards have been engaged in two types of conspiracies. “On one hand, they patronize one another in maintaining their privileges when it suits them. On the other hand, when they have differences, they make decisions akin to "you hit me, I undermine you.

“A notable example was during the Buhari administration when the Chief Justice of Nigeria was removed, and men of the Department of State Services invaded the homes of judicial officers. Some court decisions were particularly shocking, especially those related to judicial officials involved in malpractices who were left off the hook. These developments lead to daily failures in implementing social and economic policies beneficial to public governance.

He disclosed that there is widespread public cynicism about who will have the courage to initiate change. “Without a doubt, when one looks at the performance of government institutions at various levels, it is difficult not to feel trepidation about our country's prospects. Leaders often act in a manner that is often impervious, disregarding good reasoning and the principles of open and transparent decision-making. He added “As we define our way forward, three things are critical: We must recognize and accept that Nigeria is a country with great potential, and we, as Nigerians, must work to make it succeed.  There is no silver bullet for achieving our national goals. The accumulation of many missteps has brought us to this toxic state. However, the tiny, consistent changes we make going forward will ultimately lead us back to remarkable results,” Fagbohun stated.

He disagreed with the contention that poverty is the root cause of the misalignment of values in our society. He also a “Many contend that poverty is the root cause of the misalignment of values in our society. The argument suggests that the ruling class has continuously impoverished the populace to maintain their domination over the class hierarchy. This results in frustration, loss of motivation, and diminished respect for the law and public institutions among the populace. There is some truth to this assertion, especially considering the flamboyant lifestyles of the ruling elite. However, there is no justification for acting wrongly.

He appreciated the Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and the media saying they should be lauded for their pivotal roles as catalysts for change. “Impunity flourishes in the shadows, but their dedication, relentless efforts, and vigilant oversight are crucial in elevating public sector performance and steering Nigeria towards good governance. The Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) can amplify these efforts through strategic collaboration with CSOs and the media, particularly by spearheading public interest litigation. This collaboration will transform the effectiveness of public interest advocacy. Currently, the NBA and its members are part of what I term the "Rescue Nigeria Project."  

The days lecture was established in remembrance of the legal icon Alao Aka-Bashorun. Alao Aka-Bashorun led the Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) from 1987 to 1989.

Fagbohun called him, “the legal colossus”


Wednesday 12 June 2024

Umenzekwe congratulates Tinubu, Nigerians on democracy day, says hard time, temporary

Hon (Chief) Modestus Umenzekwe, Onwa Achina, has congratulated President Bola Ahmed Tinubu and in deed Nigerians on the occasion marking 25 years of unbroken democracy in Nigeria.

Umenzekwe made his mind known in his Democracy Day message on Wednesday, June 12, 2024.

Umenzekwe who is an All Progressives Congress (APC) Chieftain urged Nigerians to be patient with their leaders as the present harsh economic condition would not last forever.

He said, "I must congratulate the President, Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu, I must not also fail to congratulate Nigerians on this occasion marking 25th years of unbroken democracy. Despite all our challenges, Nigerians have decided to ensure that democracy survives."

Speaking on the current hardship being faced in the country, Umenzekwe maintained that the hardship would be over soon. "Yes things are not all rosy but I believe that at the end of the tunnel there would be light. What we are experiencing in Nigeria in terms of economic hardship, is temporary. Very soon Tinubu's economic policies would start yielding fruits.

“Bear in mind this is just one year of his administration, and you cannot judge an administration that has four year lifespan under the basis of one year, it is not done,” Umenzekwe stated.

The Achina-Aguata born political stalwart urged the President and the National Assembly to step up the tempo of governance in order to reduce the present economic difficulties in the land to the barest minimum.  

TB Joshua: A phenomena in the mystery of universe

By Dare Adejumo

There is something quite extraordinary and intriguing about TEMITOPE BALOGUN JOSHUA the Prophet!

Most people spent around nine months in their mothers' wombs before they were born but TBJOSHUA'S case was different. He stayed in the womb to spend double periods, eighteen solid months! 

Born on June 12, 1963 in a rustic village to peasant parents reminiscence of the biblical birth in the manger of our Lord Jesus Christ, TEMITOPE was obviously an unusual child. 

Mysteriously, a few days after his birth, a  fiercely errant heavy boulder from the nearby rock pierced the roof of the house, just at the exact center of where he was laid on the mat smashing everything around him but the little baby boy TEMITOPE was miraculously protected and unhurt to the amazement of everyone around!

TBJoshua was a big puzzle, an enigma abinitio. As a child he was a precocious one. The little TEMITOPE stood out in character, understanding, knowledge with a propulsive bold faculty that used to transmogrify the elders. In life, what people do not know they call names and what they know but cannot explain no matter how real it is, they deride because of their impure hearts!

He grew up facing the vicissitudes of life without losing focus of his assignment on earth as he grew up more in grace, wisdom and power till when the time came for him to announce his apostolicism.

The Bible had more or less become a moonlight tales in several quarters when TBJOSHUA emerged.   Christianity and church going had become a camouflage as worshipping had degenerated to mere ceremonies without power. TBJoshua, the game changer invigorated and rejuvenated the ruggedness of the early church, the real Christianity that was in abeyance! 

That was the beginning of his ordeals with modern Pharisees and saduces! 

Persecuted in life and death, TBJOSHUA was the most abused prophet of our time. He was under the siege of concocted lies yet he never lost focus. The radiance of his legacy, the glorious works of God for which he was born and died for continue to blossom beyond human imagination and to the chagrin of his traducers. 

He was the golden tree planted by the river that brought forth its fruit in its season, whose leaf could not wither and whatever he laid his hand on prospered.

"I cannot but do the work of my Master Jesus Christ. Jesus loves sinners but he hates sins and his mission was to redeem the world and bring sinners into repentance in order for them to be attuned with God. Why should I discriminate against those people you people like Pharisees all regard as sinners by their appearance, dressing or lifestyles from coming to me? Jesus is interested in them to have an encounter with Him" he once stated when some people were wondering of his open arms to all that came to him.

"Many of your big people cannot come here because of the evil powers they worship or what they carry inside their clothes because the power of God would expose and neutralise them the moment they step here", he also once commented.

TBJOSHUA was a man who walked not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor stood in the path of sinners, nor sat in the seat of the scornful; but his delight was in the law of the Lord in which he medicated day and night. This was very palpable and apparent in his life.

Corollarily, he introduced faith bracelets for use by SCOAN'S members for the purpose of making them imbibe in the culture of true meditation on the Words of God as he often told us: "'the greatest achievement you can have in life is the ability to hear from God".

TBJOSHUA was the prophet of the prophets. He had no time for frivolity and wonton desires. Can you ever imagine or  believe that TBJOSHUA did not have a personal house outside the church where he lived or the open prayer mountain where he spent most of his time on knees?  He lived the Word, taught the Word and preached the Word with power. He was the chip of the apostolic old block holding tenaciously to the old rugged cross! Before he departed the world he issued out some prayers which he called timeless prayers that can never expire. Today whenever his voice is heard in the prayer it brings comotion into the kingdom of darkness with various manifestations of unclean spirits. With his "distance is not a barrier to power of God", once you pray with him on Emmanuel television or merely touch the television screen while the prayer is going on, the power of God would touch you visibly. It's amazing and unfathomable! God is awesome!

TBJoshua brought people closer to God. Through him people came to understand the God they worshipped and not an imaginary being you just worship for worship sake in the common meretricious  bandwagonism! 

The humblest human being you can ever come across, in him you would learn and see the greatness that lies in simplicity.

TBJOSHUA was a turning point not only in the development of the history of Christianity in the world but also as the loadstar in the illumination and advancement of the spiritual knowledge concerning the essence of humanity and mankind in Creation 

TBJOSHUA was a bundle of love, the most generous human being without any discrimination I have ever come across. Your background, colour, religion or tribe was completely irrelevant to him.  It's difficult to offend him in any way. The love in him, the grace of holiness in his focus and concern for you even in your foolishness would magnetize his sympathy and blessing. He did not have two eyes; the only one he had was the one that saw only what his Master, Jesus Christ wanted. There was no way anybody could meet TBJOSHUA and remain the same. In him was an oil of blessing incessantly flowing.  

He was not an academic person, though he honoured and cherished learning. Here was a man with little or no education but his wisdom and prowess of intelligence would humble any man with a prodigy of learning. He was not given to verbosity but his lucid short conversation with you would expose the inadequacy of the chains of your degrees. 

TBJOSHUA was unimaginably very deep! He was the only pastor or prophet who would hold crusades in different countries without collecting offerings or taxing the crusade organizers for any monetary support. Instead he would be the one to carry out additional stupendous charity works and donations for such countries. 

At home or abroad, he never for once printed any envelopes for donation of any kind for church works. "No, have you ever seen me printing envelopes asking for donations? No I won't do that because whenever God truly sends you on a mission, He would always put in the hearts of those who would support the mission" he once decried the situation in Cameroon where there was a massive advert for donations towards establishing a branch of Synagogue Church in Yaounde without his consent or knowledge.Your tithes, thanksgivings and offerings were meaningless to TBJOSHUA. He would tell you tersely: "go to your church where you  worship, don't bring it here because you received healings or miracles. God had already answered your prayers there before you came".

That was TBJoshua who was never happy with the reckless individualism in several Christian quarters, the disunity  among the churches and servants of God that could have made them work together  as a team for Jesus Christ. Even for his church members he would tell them: "take such monies to  the sick, orphans and those in need. God would hear your prayers if you do that". Material acquisition was completely meaningless to him.

He was never a burden to anyone but a carrier of other people's burdens. 

A workaholic and exemplary leader, whose good works touched the lives of millions of people across the globe,TBJOSHUA was a thorn in the flesh of religious shenanigans and charlatans, the agents of darkness, the spiritual highway robbers, masquerading as servants of God dishing out and feeding people with stone disguised as bread by their exposure through the reality of what was happening in the Synagogue Church of All Nations!

"A true prophet of God would not be asking questions before telling you the mind of God for you. He would not allow you to talk before addressing you. "Prophecy is a complete package. Once it's from God, your bondage is automatically broken when delivered. Once I talk to you that's all. Have you ever seen me prophesying to people and still asking them to go and  do anything for their problems to solve? No, It's like breathing. Just go and sin no more your past is over", he said.

TBJoshua was the quintessential prophet of God. You cannot be a true follower of TBJoshua, listening and attending his teachings, following his footsteps and lifestyles and still put your hands in dirty or sinful things. The fear of TBJoshua from exposing your secret sins was the beginning of wisdom to worship in truth and spirit in SCOAN for those who were awake. I personally witnessed instances where he could just be walking and suddenly stop and say: "you, you (pointing at a person)stand up. You are a member of this church and you are still patronizing the witch doctor or babalawo! What's this I am looking at inside your cupboard or a corner in the room of your house? Such infidels would collapse and confess immediately with faithless excuses and be crying for God's forgiveness. You cannot hide from him because he would dissect you from the womb and things of centuries from your background to your amazement. Sometimes it could be on the television screen that he would see you and immediately ask you to be fetched out. You cannot escape from his spiritual antennae of capturing people with a sinful lifestyle once he sees you.

That's the TB JOSHUA, the man of God in the Synagogue who would not compromise with evils. He was the light shining in darkness that people in darkness could not comprehend!

In the words of Williams Shakespeare, you came, you saw and you conquered!  Your legacy of love, pure Christianity, service to humanity like a Colossus has continued to be-stride  the entire world  breaking and chartering all fetters and shackles of darkness veiling the human eyes.



Monday 10 June 2024

Primate Ayodele to hold Maiden Edition of Ministers’ Conference in August

From Cyriacus Nnaji:

The Primate Elijah Ayodele Gospel Ministers’ Forum (PEAGOM) is set to hold the maiden edition of its Ministers’ conference on August 17, 2024 at Airport Hotel, Lagos, Nigeria. 

PEAGOM, a forum that houses the spiritual sons and daughters of renowned prophet, Primate Elijah Ayodele, was established to foster learning and raise more representatives for God on earth.

According to the coordinator, Pastor Elisha Olugbenga Tolulope, the Ministers’ conference initiative came into existence by the mind of God. He noted that several spiritual sons and daughters of Primate Ayodele have been reaching out to him for a forum like PEAGOM for more than ten years until God gave him a nod earlier this year.

‘’This initiative came into existence by the mind of God. God's servant doesn't move on any matter, until God says move. Many of his spiritual sons and daughters including me have been reaching out to him for more than ten years to request for a forum like PEAGOM where we can learn and become God's will. But, he didn't respond to the requests until God told him to give a nod to it this year (2024). So, PEAGOM is the mind of God for those who want to matter and gain mastery in ministry, or any field of endeavour.’’

‘’It is an initiative that aims at bringing all the spiritual sons and daughters of the chosen servant of the most high God together on a platform, so we can learn at his feet, to become God's able representatives on the earth. Hosea 4:6 says, "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me:"  However, Hosea 6:3 says "Then shall we know, if we follow on to know the LORD........ " God's knowledge is for those who follow on to know. Now, who you follow determines what you know, and what you know will determine what you will become in life.’’

According to him, PEAGOM stands out as an initiative for ideal mentorship and an avenue to make life better for members. Also, he made it known that some of the benefits of joining the forum includes having access to periodic seminars with Primate Ayodele, access to connect with him and an undeniable improvement in members’ ministries.

‘’PEAGOM has not come to join the crowd, it has come to stand out as a forum or initiative for  ideal mentor / protege relationship. It is not an initiative for siphoning funds from members, but one to make members lives better in all ramifications.’’

‘’In PEAGOM, we have privileges and benefits which includes Access to Periodic seminars with our spiritual father feeding us with spiritual knowledge from his wealth of experience,  Opportunity to have one on one encounter with him to connect with God's grace on his life, Opportunity to have undeniable improvement in ministry or whatever you do.’’

‘’This is not a forum that will fade away with time. "I know that, whatsoever God doeth, it shall be for ever: nothing can be put to it, nor any thing taken from it: and God doeth it, that men should fear before him." Ecclesiastes 3 : 14’’

To apply, you have to pick a form, or follow our link to get the form. Potential members can also call +234 812 824 1717 or +234 806 236 3323 for comprehensive information on how to become a member.


Friday 7 June 2024

Sanwo-Olu announces whopping cash reward of N10m to LASU best graduating student

The Lagos State Governor, His Excellency, Mr Babajide Sanwo-Olu, has announced a whopping cash reward of N10million to the Best Graduating Student of the Lagos State University (LASU), Olaniyi Mubaraq Olawale.

Governor Sanwo-Olu made the declaration on the finale day of the 27th Convocation ceremony of the Lagos State University for the award of Doctoral Degrees (PhD), and Conferment of Honourary Doctorates, which took place at the Buba Marwa Auditorium, LASU, at Ojo, on Thursday, June 6, 2024.

Olawale, of the Accounting Education Department, obtained a CGPA of 4.98, First Class Honours.

The Governor said, “To celebrate and honor you, I am announcing a cash gift of N10million in recognition and honor of your outstanding feat. I believe that someone out there is working very hard to be the next Olaniyi Olawale, and I want to encourage you, wherever you might be now, to keep your eyes on that goal, and make us all, as well as yourself, very proud.

“As a society we have a responsibility to send a strong message out that academic excellence must never be underestimated or taken for granted in our society; our young people must see reason to hunger for it with the same energy and enthusiasm reserved these days for artistic and sporting success.

“It is crucial to recognize the enduring importance of education; its inestimable value as a major tool for addressing societal needs and human development,” Sanwo-Olu stated.

The governor reiterated the commitment of the state government towards ensuring the empowerment of state-owned tertiary institutions in the state. “Under my administration, the Lagos State Government is committed to empowering students in our state-owned tertiary institutions to unlock their full potential. We aim to foster a generation of innovative thinkers, problem-solvers, and great leaders, who will drive sustainable development in Lagos State and beyond.

“To this end, we recognize that sustaining a world-class university requires significant financial investment. As we seek to surpass previous achievements and maintain the upward trajectory of the University's growth and development, we will live up to all our responsibilities, as envisioned by the founding fathers, and in accordance with our T.H.E.M.E.S Plus strategic governance agenda, which includes Education and Technology amongst its core pillars.

“We have prioritized the expansion of university infrastructure, providing financing for new projects like the Faculty of Management Sciences Complex, and a new Faculty of Education Building; as well as the new LASU Technology Hub, that are under construction,” he disclosed.

He also said the partnership with the private sector to actualize and deliver 8,200-capacity students’ hostel is also on course.

Earlier the Vice Chancellor, Professor Ibiyemi Ibilola Olatunji-Bello, disclosed that LASU achieved a significant milestone in the 2023/2024 Academic Session as the school admitted the first set of students into 20 approved programmes in five new faculties and schools namely: Faculty of Allied Health Sciences; Faculty of Pharmacy; Faculty of Environmental Sciences; School of Library, Archival and Information Science, the first in West Africa and Second in Africa and School of Tourism, Films, Performing Arts and Cultural Studies.

She spoke further on the achievements of the University “We also secured approval to mount Nine (9) additional courses for the Africa Centre of Excellence for Innovative STEM Education (ACEITSE) under the B.Sc Degree Programme; Still on the Africa Centre of Excellence, we quadrupled the Centre’s performance earnings (measured by the World Bank’s Disbursement Linked Indicators (DLI) from less than 20% in September, 2021 to over 75% as at April, 2024), a feat that accorded commendation from the World Bank; We have elevated the status of the university to the third most subscribed university in Nigeria while sustaining our rankings for second time running as the best university in West Africa according to the UI GreenMetric World University Ranking. In addition, we maintained our status as the best State University and the 9th Overall Best University in Nigeria according to the highly credible AD Scientific Index Ranking;

“In the area of research and innovation, we strengthened our research and innovation drive by opening an Intellectual Property Rights and Technology Transfer Office under the Directorate of Research Management and Innovation, and trained our staff in Intellectual Property Management. All these efforts are geared towards driving and protecting innovative products, services and ideas amongst LASU staff and students that could add value to our society; Also, LASU has consistently been rated as the best in West Africa in the area of sustainability and green efforts since 2022. For this effort, LASU was selected as the Coordinating Centre and member of the Steering Committee of the University of Indonesia GreenMetric, the global ranking body for the practice of sustainability in the world,” she narrated.

Prof Bello also announced that that just a few days ago, the Federal Ministry of Trade and Investment approved 5 trademarks for Lagos State University through LASU Center of Excellence for Sargassum Research (CESAR).

Professor Olatunji-Bello also appreciated Governor Sanwo-Olu and other critical stakeholders of the institution for their commitments and supports to the university. “Let me appreciate Mr. Governor, Mr Babajide Olushola Sanwo-Olu, for his immeasurable and invaluable contributions to the growth and development of our university. My appreciation also goes to the Deputy Governor, Dr Kadri Hamzat and Commissioner for Tertiary Education, Hon. Tolani Sule; the Chancellor, Professor Gbolahan Elias, SAN; the Pro-Chancellor and Chairman of the Governing Council, Sir David Sunmoni, FCA, KJW, all members of Governing Council, and well-meaning stakeholders.”

At the event, the Senate of the institution conferred the exclusive rank of Emeritus Professor on retired Distinguished Professor Martins Agenuma Anetekhai, and Distinguished Professor Award on highly accomplished Professor, Professor Amidu Olalekan Sanni.

In addition, Senate also conferred honorary doctorate degrees on two eminent Nigerians, Prince Tajudeen Oluyole Olusi, Honorary Doctor of Literature (History, Education and Community Development), Honoris Causa; and Prince Dr. Samuel Adedoyin, Honorary Doctor of Humane Letters (Commerce, Industry and National Development) Honoris Causa.



Global Praise and worship in memory of TB Joshua's Landmarks

By Dare Adejumo: 

The faithful across the globe stood still in joyful adoration; resonance of purity as Hallmark of human existence, altruism, love,  holiness and humanitarianism vibrated and rejuvenated in the hearts of mankind as the great prophet and humanist and extra-ordinary philanthropist TB Joshua's was remembered in the third year anniversary of his glorious departure from the earth on June 5, 2021.

Dr. Kirstan Nematandam, a South African nationalist who flew in to Ikotun Egbe Lagos to partake in the solemn night ceremony described the all night praise and worship event as 'a spiritual high watershed, and great moment in all continents of the world to thank God for the grace of TBJOSHUA on earth in His ineffable love for mankind and His Creation'.

'TBJoshua was a great man of God whose life was Christ-like, living the Word and practicing the Word, he was the light shining in darkness, the most humble man you could ever come across who touched the lives of millions, preaching the Word with power and with an extra-ordinary philanthropy across the universe' he said.

Notwithstanding the simultaneous happening of the event in several nations, many still flew into Ikotun-Egbe SCOAN'S headquarters. International visitors from many African countries, America, Asia, Middle East, Europe filled the Cathedral to the brim.

Significantly before the June 5 event, Emmanuel TV Partners of the prophet's broadcasting channel had carried out stupendous charity works in their respective domains.

The atmosphere was ecclesiastically electrifying as people from diverse languages from all walks of life spoke glowingly of the transformational power of God in their lives by their encounters with TB JOSHUA

A leading Pastor from Argentina who came to Ikotun Egbe for this event, Pastor Robert Acosta has this to say with great excitement: "The men of God who impacted lives and transformed generations under the power and guidance of the Holy Spirit never die.  The Bible says, 'their works with them continue'. 

"The teachings, the example, the impartation continue to live on in our hearts and in our lives. Prophet T.B. Joshua, his life, example and ministry has been a gift from God to the whole world but in a particular way to my life, my wife and family, and to our church and congregation. 

"He was our pastor, our friend, for five years until he passed on to glory, and we continue to live with the legacy he had left us. The impartation we had received from the Holy Spirit through the life of the man of God, continues to bring healing to the sick, continues to raise cripples, perform amazing miracles and deliverance; not only should we but we want to honor God for the life of the man of God, that is why we come to Nigeria to exalt God and I believe that just as in the days of Elisha, when he had already departed, there was anointing in his bones, I believe there is still much anointing to continue resurrecting lives and ministries, not by a man that had passed on to glory, but by the Spirit of God that continues to operate.

"We have come to honor God with joyful activities for this great man of God.

He has been for me a father in the Lord, a friend, a Pastor and has been an honor from Heaven to have walked and shared time with him, his teachings, his advice, his prayers have transformed our lives. 

"Even today, in our radios, discipleships and meetings his teachings are still alive...

God has done it through the man of God".

Pastor Sandro Gomes dos Santos, leading the Brazilian group was full of vivacity; "I am here to celebrate the birthday of Prophet T.B. Joshua, a unique man, a unique prophet, a great man of God and his legacy remains. It is ageless and cannot be forgotten. The good works he did here on earth are wonderful and cannot be forgotten.  "Prophet T.B. Joshua impacted my life not only with his ministry of miracles, signs and wonders, but with his love for the Word. When he spoke the Word it went straight into my heart and changed the way I was and the way I thought. His teaching on offence and forgiveness completely changed my heart. With him I learned how to let go of offence and the importance of having a pure heart.

"He exemplified everything he taught, his life was a life of excellence. Prophet T.B. Joshua's legacy is beyond time and will remain forever. He is a special man of God, there is no other like him. The opportunity to be here on this anniversary for me is a gift from God. "I come to honour the life of Prophet T.B. Joshua and his legacy. As the Bible says: He who honours a prophet receives a prophet's reward. This is an opportunity given by God, not man. God in His infinite grace allowed me to come and showed me that "His anointing and power continues here in this ministry through Pastor Evelyn Joshua. There is a fresh anointing, something new and extraordinary. The wonders of God continue to work here at SCOAN. God has done great and extraordinary things through Prophet T.B. Joshua and that mantle continue to rest upon Pastor Evelyn Joshua, just as it did with Elisha. I am so grateful to be here to celebrate the life and legacy of Prophet T.B. Joshua". 

Engineer Kolawole Samuel, from Sokoto has this to say: "We thank God for the life of our father in the Lord, Prophet TB Joshua and also our mother, Pastor Evelyn Joshua who has continued to uplift the mantle that our prophet laid down for us. She has not allowed the mantle to drop down and fall away. We thank God for our lives. 

"For the past 14 years, I have been part of the ministry and for the grace of God in our prophet and the grace I received through the anointing, I have not stopped coming despite the fact that I come from the far North of Nigeria, Sokoto.

"I can't stop coming. In fact, the ministry is already part of me. If I have the grace to come   every two weeks, I won't hesitate. But each time God gives me grace, I make sure I come. For the past 14 years, June has been in my schedule. "Every year, I specifically budget for June to be here for our Prophet's birthday. After his passing,  we are still coming from the moment the church was reopened because of the grace of God in the  life of our prophet and our mother in the Lord, Pastor Evelyn Joshua

"Our prophet is a great prophet. He is one prophet I ever agree with. I joined the Emmanuel TV at my home in July 2006. It was a Muslim brother who installed the television at his home who introduced the channel to me. I was not used to following any prophet or pastors until I came across TB JOSHUA.  It was the Muslim brother who informed me that almost everyone was installing Emmanuel TV at home both Christians and Muslims! It triggered me and asked him to install it for me.  when I started watching, I started seeing  things I had never seen or heard  in my life, especially the teachings of the prophet, the deliverances, the prophecies and the act of giving. The way he treated people inspired me to follow him the most. I came for the first time in August, 2012. Since then I have been coming. 'God has raised my level to another level. I never personally  met the prophet until 2014 when I gave my first live testimony. I have always come. God has been so wonderful. God is really with our prophet and those of us following him.

 It is the Holy Spirit that can do things and not we by ourselves! 

"We should keep praying for our mummy for the fire of the Holy Spirit to continue to influence her. It is God that can do it. The work will keep growing. We shall keep praying for her that God should strengthen her in the work of the ministry". 

To Mr. Segun Olanipekun, one of the Coordinators full of excitement said: "The last three years have been of joyful activities and the ministry has greatly expanded to the glory of God. some of the programs that I can remember that have taken place under Pastor Evelyn Joshua's leadership are; The church was reopened after about two years of lockdown, we had a three-day revival on the prayer mountain, Akure branch was reopened, frequent weekly charity work in the church, Partners, revival, crusade and charity meetings in South Africa, Ghana,

Lusaka, Zambia, Madrid in Spain, Kenya, France, Germany, UK, USA, Canada and Nigeria. The tempo for these activities has been more reinforced. The church has remained in the precious arms of the Lord. It has been a wonderful three years of God's tremendous grace for the church".

Synagogue Church Of All Nations SCOAN today is the exemplification of the biblical word of Prophet Isaiah: the mills of God grind slowly but they grind exceedingly fine.


Thursday 6 June 2024

Promise Joshua extols virtues of her late father, says ‘he’s a man who lived a life of exemplary legacy of leadership’

Daughter of the late international Televangelist and iconic preacher, Prophet TB Joshua, Promise Joshua, has extoled the virtues of her father, saying he was a man who lived a life of exemplary legacy of leadership.

Promise Joshua made the assertion at A Night of Songs and Praise in Memory of Prophet TB Joshua’s passing to glory which took place at the Synagogue Church of All Nations on Wednesday, 5th of June, 2024.

She said “Today we remember a struggle, we remember a man who lived a life of exemplary legacy of leadership. At the very core of TB Joshua's life is marked by a virtuous commitment to raising soldiers of Christ, not just locally, but also globally and he did that for three decades successfully.

“Born on 12th of June 1963, he came and influenced his world as a true man of faith, perseverance, self-discipline, humility and dedication. It is an understatement to say that he drew people to God. The church that he oversaw, the church of all nations has since been a church of all seasons, a ministry where satanic cages and demonic bondage are broken,” Promise Joshua stated.

She added that even the unbelievers could not deny the good work of Prophet TB Joshua “Even to the shock and admiration of unbelievers, the ministry has stood the test of time, that continues to stand the test of time, and that will continue to stand the test of time, to the glory of God.”

Promise also disclosed that apart from being a global Christian leader, TB Joshua was also a devoted father. “Prophet TB Joshua was not just this global Christian leader known in so many countries, he was also a devoted father. As someone who is privileged to be his daughter, this third year anniversary reminds me of the life he portrayed as a father, he believed so much in the principles enshrined Matthew 25:45 which says that which you do for others, you do it for God and as a devoted servant of God, I saw how he served God diligently through his service to others.”

She encouraged the listeners to continue to exude and radiate love even in the midst of hate. “So as we commemorate this global servant of God to so many people, this great man, let us also celebrate a man who radiate love, yes love supersedes everything, that is when we are hated, we should love; when you are intimidated you should love, love supersedes persecution, that means when you are persecuted, love. Just like TB Joshua believed that as a Christian, a true Christian should be known for his love.”

She thanked everyone for attending the programme. “I just want to say a big thank you to you all for being here to commemorate the third year anniversary of Prophet TB Joshua's called to glory.”


Wednesday 5 June 2024

‘The exploits of our alumni in their chosen careers are a source of pride to LASU’, says Prof Olatunji-Bello

The Vice Chancellor, Lagos State University (LASU) Professor Ibiyemi Ibilola Olatunji-Bello, has stated that the exploits of the institution’s alumni in their chosen careers are a source of pride to LASU.

Prof. Olatunji-Bello made the disclosure in her Welcome Address at the 27th Convocation Ceremony of the institution which was held on Wednesday, 5th June, 2024 at the Buba Marwa Auditorium, Main Campus at Ojo.

She said, “It is heartwarming to inform this gathering that employers of labour are giving positive assessments of our graduates’ performances in their places of work. Permit me to state that the exploits of our alumni in their chosen careers are a source of pride to the university and an impetus for the university to further rededicate itself to developing the human resource needs of Lagos State and Nigeria.”

While stating that the Lagos State University is the Nigeria's best and the most subscribed state university, added that the 27th convocation ceremony was for the awards of Diplomas, First Degrees, Postgraduate Diplomas and Master’s Degrees.

Reeling out the Graduation Statistics, she said that out of 554 Diploma students that were graduating this year, there were 55 Distinctions, 274 Upper credits, 224 Lower credits and 1 pass.

Under the First Degree Programmes in the University, she disclosed that out of the 8477 students that were graduating for 1st Degree programmes in the University, 153 came out with First Class, 3029 were graduating with second class Upper Division, 4350 second class Lower Division, 715 Third class and 33 graduated with Pass. She said “However, we have 178 MBBS Pass and 17 BDS Pass Degrees.

Giving summary of graduands for Higher Degree  Programmes she disclosed that out of the 2164 Postgraduate students that were graduating, LASU has 375 Postgraduate Diplomas, 962 Academic Masters, 672 Professional Masters, 89 Doctor of Philosophy and 66 Professional Doctoral Degrees.

She formally announced Olaniyi Mubaraq Olawale of Accounting Education programme with a CGPA of 4.98 (First Class Honours) as the best-graduating student for the 2022/2023 Academic session.

In her message to the graduating students, the Vice Chancellor, admonished the students on what they are likely going to face in the world of work, the good, the bad, and the ugly of life saying that LASU has equipped them to face life challenges.  “My dear graduands, today you commence the journey to the world of work where expectations are high to prove your mettle as graduates of Lagos State University. In the last few years, you have been moulded in the finest academic tradition under the watch of some of the best educators anywhere in your chosen fields.  I am confident that you have the requisite knowledge to take you through the challenges of a world in constant flux, shaped by evolving technologies; a world plagued by existential challenges. Yet, these challenges also offer abundant opportunities to demonstrate your creativity, resourcefulness, resilience and adaptability to difficult situations, no matter the odds. I am confident that this university has given you all you need to succeed in the world.”

Prof Olatunji-Bello urged them never at any point doubt their abilities. “Build your confidence and strive to be the best in what you do and you will take the world by storm. 

“In addition, I urge you to stand out and be different everywhere you find yourselves; do not be swayed by the appeal of immediate gratification; be resolute in saying NO to invitations from friends and colleagues to join the bandwagon of those who take pleasure in shortchanging the system for immediate or pecuniary gains. Instead, train your mind to embrace diligence and honest labour. Remember, as they say, that honesty is the best policy, and there is a greater reward for diligence. Measure your success by how much you evolve, not necessarily by how much you win. The true test of a man is not the number of time he falls, but the number of time he is able to rise again.

Prof Olatunji-Bello congratulated the graduants with the following kind words: “I congratulate our graduating students for years of hardworking and unrelenting pursuit of academic excellence and commitment to learning. You deserve our collective applause for your accomplishments on the journey you commenced four, five or six years ago, depending on your course of study. The holy book says better is the end of a thing than the beginning.  Your sense of achievement today bears eloquent testimony to this truism.”

She disclosed that since the 26th Convocation Ceremony held a year ago, the university has recorded some landmark achievements in pursuit of its vision of becoming the best university in West Africa.  “The university has recorded some landmark achievements in pursuit of its vision of becoming the best university in West Africa. These gains, I must state, have enhanced the institution's ranking and consolidated its position to become the best university in West Africa.

The Vice Chancellor stated her administration’s unalloyed commitment to positioning LASU as a preferred research and learning hub. “LASU takes seriously its mandate to train quality manpower equipped with the requisite skill sets to meet the needs of the industry in Lagos in particular and Nigeria in general.

She thanked the Governor of Lagos State for constantly being supportive of her administration. “I express our deep appreciation to the state Governor and Visitor to Our University, Mr Governor, Babajide Olusola Sanwo-Olu, for his relentless support for our university measured by his gracious investment in the educational and infrastructural development of the University. Mr. Governor’s footprints in the development of the university will remain evergreen and indelible in the annals of this university.” 


Tuesday 4 June 2024

Technology is the single biggest innovation that shaped the world—Prof Olatunji-Bello

Vice Chancellor, Lagos State University (LASU) Professor Ibiyemi Ibilola Olatunji-Bello, has stated that Technology is the single biggest innovation that shaped and continues to change the world.

She went further to state that technology is creating adaptive never-before-known tools and applications that meet the needs of businesses and institutions, improve efficiency, enhance accessibility to solutions and services and guarantee better quality of life.

Prof. Olatunji-Bello made the assertion in her Welcome Address at the 27th Convocation Lecture which was held on Tuesday, 4th May, 2024, at the Main Campus in Ojo. The theme of the Lecture was "Embracing the Future: Navigating the Intersection of Technology and Humanity."

She revealed that in the domain of education, technology has facilitated online learning, making education accessible to a wider audience. She said that besides, e-learning platforms, digital textbooks, and virtual classrooms have enabled continuous education, even during disruptions like the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Olatunji-Bello said, “Technology continues to enhance our lives and the ways we communicate, educate our learners, move around and do business, but the debates on how it impacts humanity both now and, in the future, have not been sufficiently addressed. For instance, it has been argued that technology is separating us from our common humanity, making us more isolated, eroding our privacy, hampering our abilities for genuine empathy as a result of dependence on virtual communication, and fostering a culture of instant gratification that can undermine patience and deeper connections. Not all people agree with these positions. But these observations are telling for our future as a people and need to be addressed.

“It is, therefore, imperative that we find a balance between technology and humanity by harnessing the power of technology to improve our lives and humanity in general. Here at Lagos State University, we are committed to leveraging technology to enhance our service delivery to make life better for our staff and students,” she stated.

She gave instance of how LASU has leveraged the power of Technology to overcome her admission challenges. “As a way of easing the challenges that come with manual admission clearance, the university digitalized the manual clearance system by creating the LASU Central Admissions Clearance App (LACACA), an online clearance operation for all categories of admitted candidates into the University where candidates’ suitability for the programmes to which they have been offered admissions would be duly verified. This App works such that the same records provided during the clearance will be the same ones that will be used for the student’s final clearance upon graduation.

“This is also integrated into all students’ services throughout their lifecycle of stay on campus and can be relied on for services such as school fees payment, course registration, results operations, certificate and transcript processing, all carried out online.  With this feat, LASU is one of the first, if not the first, to digitalize all its students-related processes from the point of admission to graduation,” the VC disclosed.

She added that the university has also infused technology into its pedagogy by adopting hybrid teaching for its general courses. This allows students to receive lectures anywhere around the campus without the physical inconvenience of being in crowded classrooms for courses with a large number of students. These, including the use of technology to conduct virtual examinations, have earned the university accolades from far and wide, including its recognition as the most digitally advanced state university in Nigeria at the Nigeria Information Technology Awards (NITA). These innovations have not cost any staff their jobs nor has any student been shortchanged in any way, rather it has improved their learning and service delivery experience.

Speaking on the convocation lecture, she stated that the lecture would be delivered by His Excellency, Dr. Babatunde Raji Fashola, SAN, a distinguished personality who is eminently qualified as seasoned public servant to address this topic, adding that the lecture not only reveals the lecturer’s perspectives on the national issues but proffered solutions to the identified problems, and also inspires graduates as they embark on the journey outside of academia. She said beyond that, convocation lectures address contemporary issues, thereby setting an agenda for more provocative conversations and debates tailored towards addressing the national malaise.

Present at the event include, the Visitor to the University and Governor of Lagos State, Mr. Babajide Olusola Sanwo-Olu ably represented by the Deputy Governor, Dr. Kadiri Obafemi Hamzat; Commissioner for Tertiary Education, Hon. Tolani Sule; the Chancellor, Professor Gbolahan Elias, SAN; the Pro Chancellor, and Chairman Governing Council, Sir. David O.A. Sunmoni; the Deputy Vice Chancellor, Academics – Professor Olufunsho Abayomi Omobitan; the Deputy Vice Chancellor, Administration – Professor Adenike Omotunde  Boyo; the University Registrar and Secretary to Governing Council – Mr Emmanuel A. fanu; the University Bursar – Mr Said Olayinka; the University Librarian – Dr Omawunmi Makinde; Chairman of Convocation Lecture, Emeritus Professor Peter Okebukola, among other dignitaries.


Undisputable King of prophecy, the Primate Ayodele I know

By Prince Ayo Adegboye: 

With my career spanning close to three decade in the media with half of it dedicated to covering religion issues, I am acquainted  with a lot of Preachers, Prophets, Bishops, Apostles, Archbishops etc and I can say their attitude and style are not different from each other except for few who strife to live a distinct exemplary life style. Nigeria and Africa at large are not strange to Prophets and their prophecies. This set of people to say top the chart among rank and files of leadership in the Christendom. In Nigeria, many Prophets have come and gone and many are still rising on daily basis. 

In the past, Nigerians have witness the likes of Primate Olabayo who dazzles the world with his prophetic acumen. The Prophet Oshitelu’s, the late Prophet Adewole and Primate Ayodele who indisputably is still the only man standing among those men. I came across, Primate Ayodele, T.B Joshua, Prophet Tibetan, Prophet Wale Olagunju in the early year 2000 as a young editor of a soft sell Journal. In the subsequent year I met Prophet Okiki Jesu, Primate Akeju, Prophet Bisi Olujobi and host of others whom I share close relationship with till date. If we are to write on religion, I can say emphatically that I know most of the history of virtually all religious Preachers today in the country, but Primate Ayodele whom I refer to as the undisputable king of Prophecies is different in all ramifications among them. 

Primate Ayodele Elijah Babatunde has been in the prophetic ministry since 1993. During this period, Primate Ayodele came into limelight when he gave prophecies that General Abacha will not witness year 2010, when the later was unveiling his vision for year 2010. Thereafter, Primate Ayodele was the only Prophet then who saw clearly that MKO Abiola would not ascend the Presidential throne and that his wife Kudirat Abiola would be sacrificed on the altar of politics which all came to pass. Primate Ayodele who enjoys considerate patronage of the media since then is still available till date churning out accurate prophecies for Nations, Organizations and Individuals when others have all gone under. 

In the year 2006, Primate Ayodele made a shocking revelation which became a sensation in the tabloid then, that president Yaradua was going to die in office. Few months after the prophecy the president died in office and this made me put a close observation on the man Primate Ayodele as what manner of man is this?. Primate Ayodele today stands atop in the prophetic ministry, a calling which he has served distinctively and he needs to be applauded. The Prophetic ministry will continuously be gracious for having a steadfast diligent and innovative servant like Primate Ayodele who has turned the Prophetic ministry around with others following. 

Primate Ayodele with the respect he commands has broken the jinx that Prophets are not honored in their own country. Primate Ayodele remains the first to launch a Prophetic book which serves as a spiritual catalyst to Nations, Organizations and Individuals, etc. Our own Primate is indeed the undisputable king of the prophetic ministry as it stands today.

Prince Ayo Adegboye is a Public analyst and a Publisher. He can be reached through